Welcome to McMinn Consulting

1-on-1 Coaching and Consulting for entrepreneurs and explorers.






A fresh take on your life path

It all begins with an intuition. A tingle in your chest. A sensation on your left shoulder. An impulse that gets you out of bed early.

You start to feel like things could be different, like the way you’ve been getting things done could be even more streamlined.

Discover more of how your reality can look and feel as things shift around you.

Our services

  • Flagship Program - Path to I AM

  • Intuitive Reading

  • LifePath Wayfaring

  • .


What People Are Saying

- Tanya Moore,

Flagship Program - Path to I AM

"After working with Ian I successfully went from being totally new as a consultant to landing $48K contracts with ideal clients while feeling comfortable turning down the same amount for ones I was not as passionate about.  Wow."

— Susan M., first month of profitable business

"After reading 5 books on investing in real estate, I had yet to take any significant action over the course of a year. I felt like I was in analysis paralysis mode not knowing what to do next.

After a week using Ian's system, my subconscious mind went to work and I proposed a 50/50 partnership with a millionaire already in real estate. He immediately agreed and had his lawyer draft a partnership LLC. His response was ‘I know that we will be an 8 figure company in 3 years.’"

— Ty Miller, https://tymiller.co/

"I met with Ian in the middle of April.  April ended up being my biggest sales month ever- $49,800... on track to collect $38,500 for the month of May."

— Tommy Sobel, gobricknow.com

“After being out of the tech sales industry for 18 months, I returned to a new position where I am making over $200K+ in total annual earnings. Our work was definitely key.”

-Anon., Tech Sales Account Executive

"After 21 days I did:

-Went from 65 hours/week to 30-35 hours/week

-Feeling I can charge £100k

-Supporting ambitious high achievers rather than wasting energy on the wrong people

-Stamina 100%- I’ve never felt so physically embodied

My experience with Ian has been exponential."

— Donna Marie,


- Nancy Hinojo,

ADHD Coach and Business Advisor


In the 90 days prior to coaching w/ Ian, I made $2,000.

In the 90 days after, I made $47,000.

Ian's help was the turning point that allowed me to unlock seeing my own abundance which triggered all the things I wanted to start flowing towards me.

Before this breakthrough, I was unconsciously blocking my own flow.

This shift allowed money to flow like water.

- Alex Bi,


